
Posts Tagged ‘HEALTH’

CORONAVIRUS 5.0 Quarantine Stella Uno

August 10, 2020 1 comment

“Social distancing?  I’ve been practicing social distancing since 9th. grade.”

CORONAVIRUS 4.0 Quarantine Stella Uno

July 23, 2020 5 comments

*”Life is full of road games.

CORONAVIRUS 3.0 Quarantine Quintella

July 6, 2020 1 comment

*1  Computer screen is now dust free courtesy of daily cleaning by a static free microfiber cloth from Economy Hardware, 219  Mass. Ave, Boston.  $2.99 well spent.

*2  PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT by Philip Roth is a swell read.  Philip Roth has written 2 kinds of books; the great, AMERICAN PASTORAL and the very good.  PORTNOY’S  was published  in 1969 and sold over 400,000 copies in its first year of publication.

PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT was scandalous upon publication what with its meaty, very literally; descriptions of self-abuse and yearning for the carnal carnival of his girl friend Monkey.

Much of the scandalous aspect of the novel has diminished in the mist of the last 50 years but the narrative and the descriptions of Jewish life from the 1930s to the 1960s is funny and sociological.  Recommended.

*3  SuperCuts at 101 Summer St. in Downtown Crossing is now open.  Sam has been cutting my hair for 13 years, is on duty and as friendly and efficient as ever.  Taming my grown out cut is not for the faint hearted.  Sam has game.

*4  Raccoons are ever more frequent here in the Eat Fens.  Waddling along Edgerly Rd, climbing into dumpsters in back of the Morville House and scampering among the cattails in the Fens the masked marauders have more than adapted to urban environments.  Condominiums next?

*5  MLB is gearing up for a 60 game season.  I am relieved that the MLBPA and MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred have made a deal that both seem to hate…and that is a good thing.   In a related story S.F. Giants manager, and former Red Sox outfielder Gabe Kapler is assuring ESPN’s Buster Olney that the 5’11” and at 268 highly theoretical pounds former Red Sox Pablo “Kung Fu Panda” Sandoval is “healthy.”  Play ball!

Coronavirus: Quarantine Quintella

May 18, 2020 1 comment

*1  Strainer thingy in kitchen sink drain is clean from broccoli florets, pita bread crumbs and other detritus.

*2  52 PICKUP by Elmore Leonard is a swell read.  Elmore Leonard has written 2 kinds of books; the great, SPLIT IMAGES, and the very good; 52 PICKUP.  Recommended.

*3  Bars here in Boston, and in most of America, are closed.  While tending bar is not a fitness exercise, it does burn calories.  2 60 minute mall walks here at the Prudential Center in Boston at 120 steps per minute will add 14,400 steps to a week.

*4  Every day is a bad hair day.

*5  MLB is a no go.  The Korean Baseball Organization(KBO) is shown weekly on ESPN. The play is  entertaining and indeed contains elements of contact hitting and durable starting pitching that have been leaving MLB for some time.  Recommended.

HAIKU 5*7*5* Corona wish for all’s health

April 5, 2020 1 comment

A wish for all’s health

Edgerly Rd. is quiet

Like September 12th.